The main engines, generators and transmissions of the first of 15 newpassengervessels produced in our Shipyard for Izmir Metropolitan Municipalitywere installed. The seats will be installed this week. The hull of the 2ndvesselhas been completed. After 10 days, the hull of the thirdvesselwill becompleted. The 4thvesselis at the molding stage.
The construction of 4 of the 15 new passengervessels ordered by IzmirMetropolitan Municipality to improve maritime transportation in the citycontinues in our shipyard. The first of the ships made of carbon compositematerial is being painted. The first of Izmir’s newvessels is expected to bedelivered at the beginning of the year. While the fast-paced work in theshipyards in Yalova continues at full speed, othervessels are being built oneafter another: The hull of the secondvesselhas been completed, the hull of thethirdvesselwill be completed in the next 10 days, and the fourthvesselis beinginfused.
The latest technology
Izmir’s passengervessels, made with carbon composite material used indefense, aviation and space technology, will set an example for the whole ofTurkey. Özdemir Ataseven, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ÖZATAShipyard, which undertook the construction of thevessels, said that IzmirMetropolitan Municipality made a great contribution to Turkish maritime withthe construction of thevessels and said, “It is a very well thought out, wellresearched and right job done with great courage. I have been a sailor for 40years. As a sailor and a Turkish, wewould like tothanks very much toIzmirMetropolitan Municipality Mayor Aziz Kocaoğlu for this.”
Emphasizing that Izmir’svessels are an example to the whole world, Atasevencontinued as follows: “These are thevessels used in the northern countries inrecent years, but the newvessels built by Izmir are the largest sea buses in theworld. The largestvessels made with carbon infusion, carbon composite,vacuum infusion system. In other words, they are the largestvessels built withthe latest technology. Carbon compositevessel. Sincethe material chosen is amaterial used in the defense industry and space technology, it is a very special and technology-requiring task. Of course, we made that investment. There areno facilities close to these in Europe. We have now built the largest andmostmodern facility in Europe.”
Everyone will take Izmir as an example
Pointing out that Izmir’s newvessels are very special, Ataseven said, “Smallerones are used in Norway and the North Sea. These ships go at a speed of 32knots, and for example, if there is a 4 mwave, they can go at 32 knots withoutslowing down. So, it has such technology.’
Reminding that the newvessels are economical and environmentally friendly,Ataseven continued his words as follows: “Fuel and emissions are halved. It isveryeconomical and environmentally friendly. There is a thought that it is a bitexpensive in construction, but on the contrary, suchvessels operating in thefirst 1-1.5 years already make up for the difference. Europeans have discoveredthis technology for 10 years and have been working with itbecause fuel is veryinexpensive.That’s why it is very profitable. After seeing all these features, thepublic and private sectors will turn to carbon as soon as possible and take Izmiras an examplebut they won’t believe it until they see it. They are waiting forthe firstvesselto land on the water. We will deliver it as soon as possible andstart discussing other projects.”
Emphasizing that the carbon composite material used invessels does notcorrode at sea andcan be used for a lifetime, Ataseven said that; “Thesevessels do not suffer from material fatigue like steel and aluminum and do nothave a lifetime at sea. Steelvessels experience material fatigue after operatingfor a maximum of 15 years. It requires constant maintenance. Thesevessels area seaworthy material and there is no wear. There is no lifespan.”
We are ahead of the work schedule
Özdemir Ataseven gave the following information about the 4vessels underconstruction out of Izmir’s 15vessels: